Clear Cystic Acne - The Simple Process to Stop Your Cystic Breakouts
By Felix Schmieder
It can be very difficult to clear cystic acne if you're not following the right methods. Creams, gels and other topical applications can only do so much for your skin. At best they only help control breakouts after they happen.
So why wait and react to breakouts? The best way to clear cystic acne is to stop pimples before they even appear. You might think this is hard or impossible, but I assure you, this is very easy to do and anyone will see results in a short amount of time.
So what do you have to do? You have to cut out the foods that are causing your breakouts in the first place. There is a direct link to our diets and our breakouts. Now I'm not talking about eating chocolate bars here; I'm talking about the real instigators. Once you cut them out, your skin will quickly begin to heal itself naturally.
The biggest instigators tend to be all dairy products, red meat, simple and refined carbohydrates like white bread or potatoes, and excessive sugars. All of these instigators introduce toxins to our body in one form or another. These toxins cause our liver and small intestine to get overtaxed and they cannot keep up with their duty of getting rid of excess hormones in our bodies called androgens. It's these androgens that are causing breakouts; they cause our oil glands to make to much oil which leads to clogged pores and pimples. A good way to clear cystic acne is to cut them out completely, but even just reducing the amount you eat will show good improvement in your skin.
Clear cystic acne treatments are only effective if they address the real cause of your breakouts. Start treating your acne the proper way; from the inside.
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