Saturday, June 13, 2009

How To Get Clear Skin - The Only Chance You Have To Actually Curing Your Problem

How To Get Clear Skin - The Only Chance You Have To Actually Curing Your Problem

Do you knowof the rapidly increasing numbers of people every single year that want to find out how to get clear skin? Even people who never had acne as a teenager are now suddenly getting breakouts left and right and they don't don't know what they can do to prevent their breakouts from occurring.

Well there's a great way how to get clear skin and it has nothing to do with a cream or gel. That's because acne isn't an external problem; it actually starts inside of your body. Dirt, oil, bacteria, these are just external symptoms and if you pay attention solely on them, you'll never be cured.

So what can you do? What do you have to do to find out how to get clear skin?

It's actually quite simple. Hormones causes acne for teens and pregnant women and it causes acne in adults. These hormones, called androgens, cause our sebaceous glands to over produce oil. The oil clogs our pores, traps bacteria and causes pimples. If you stop the androgens, you won't have any secondary effects and you'll eliminate your acne.

So how to get clear skin by stopping the hormones?

You have to get rid of bad foods. Any dairy, red meat(grass fed beef is OK but keep it to a minimum), hydrogenated oils like vegetable oil and margarine, and simple carbohydrates like white bread or white rice have to go. These all introduce chemicals into our bodies and our cleansing organs are driven into overdrive trying to keep up with them. Our organs become to busy trying to deal with the excess toxins and can't eliminate the hormones like it normally would.

You've tried all the chemicals and drugs already and they haven't worked. This is the right way how to get clear skin because it doesn't deal with your symptoms, it actually deals with the real problem. By taking care of the root problem, you'll actually begin eliminating acne from yourself completely.

Read more about a great site that knows how to get clear skin

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Acne Diet Treatment - Find Out The Mistake You've Probably Been Making

If you’ve read through any of the articles I've written, you know I talk a lot about an acne diet treatment to get yourself cured. It’s easy for me to forget sometimes that this is not the only important part of treating acne. My diet is what held me back so it’s what I tend to focus on. While I still believe that most people eat poor foods and that anyone can benefit from a healthy diet, it’s not the only thing and focusing only on your diet to the exclusion of anything else won’t give you a complete answer. Diet is important in our culture because we all eat so poorly without being aware of it and that’s why I stress it so much.

Plenty of people are already eating incredibly healthy; no red meat or dairy and instead they eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and drink a lot of water.For them, an acne diet treatment won't work at all and they are probably frustrated and angry that they still have to deal with these breakouts.There's just one problem; they're missing the other factors of an acne cure. I’ll say it again, an acne diet treatment is crucial to getting clear skin, but DON’T ignore the other aspects.You surely don't need to be eating healthy and perfect all of the time. What if you want to go out to dinner with friends, or maybe hit happy hour with your co-workers?The choice in this situation shouldn't be whether you want to have a social life or if you'd rather have clear skin.The only thing you should be worrying about is if you have the money to go out!

Other people might take the information and begin eliminating everything from their diet and wonder what the heck is left that they can eat.They'll question if they can ever become acne free because it's so hard to keep this up.Or they might start subconsciously rebelling, slipping into bad eating habits and blame that for why their acne isn't cured. An acne diet treatment in this case becomes a vicious cycle and the person can’t find a way out.

This was mentioned earlier, but to treat acne, you have to embrace all sides of treatment.Besides an acne treatment diet, the other aspects are things that are generally healthy for you.If you're particular about your diet, but don't sleep much, get stressed from work a lot, and fail to exercise, you'll always be dealing with'll definitely have way more to worry about instead of acne if this is the case.To have a lasting cure, you must combine regular exercise, an acne treatment diet, dealing with stress properly and having a proper mindset.

Personally, an acne diet treatment is what I needed to get my skin clear. I had most of the other aspects in place already; my diet was the only thing holding me back.It could be very different or it might be exactly the same for your.You have to be aware that there will never be one single thing that you can do to cure acne. It's going to take time and a bit of work.If you take all aspects of staying clear and apply them, however, you will become completely clear and will stay that way for life.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Cure For Pimples - The Real Cure For Pimples

Is there a cure for pimples? You bet your you know what there is! But to find out what that cure is we first have to explore the root causes of acne and why typical treatments won’t do a thing for you.

A cure for pimples, if drug or pharmaceutical companies were to be believed, involves slathering chemicals onto our skin.It doesn't matter if it's the mildest chemical ever made, it's still a chemical and it will never combine well with out skin and can only irritate it.The whole cycle will only repeat itself over and over again as chemicals work for a period of time, stop working, and then cause you to buy more of the same or different products.

You’ve all been there, right? Take benzoyl peroxide for instance.It's touted as a cure because it kills the acne causing bacteria on our skin and also helps prevents them coming around again.The experts claim that breakouts are caused by a combination of bacteria, dead skin and oil.What they don't ever say is that acne causing bacteria are 1.) natural to the skin; every single person on the planet has them, 2.) the bacteria that cause acne become resistant to the benzoyl peroxide and finally 3.) benzoyl peroxide will cause your skin to dry and flake up, causing more breakouts!

They become so focused on treating the acne symptoms that they don't ever treat the real problem. A cure for pimples, just like any other cure, has to treat the root problem.You'll never cure your acne if you only treat the symptoms.Experts time and again say that the real cause of acne is still unknown. Either they don’t know what they’re talking about here or there’s some other factor.

For instance, why do doctors never question why some people produce excess oil? Why do they insist on trying to kill bacteria or stripping the skin of its natural oils?The drug companies could care less about a cure. If they developed a cure for pimples, they would lose out on tons and tons of money every year; Proactiv alone is a billion dollar company! So instead, they make creams and gels that require customers keep buying if they want to be rid of their problems.

The cure for pimples is not to put chemicals on your face.The real acne problem that is inside of your body is what you have to treat. Excess hormones in our systems cause our sebaceous, or oil glands, to produce to much oil.Our bodies are overwhelmed by the excess hormones and toxins running around inside. Normally our cleansing organs, such as our liver or small intestine get rid of excess toxins and destroy excess hormones.Sadly, year after year of eating typical, low quality, Western diet foods has caused them to become overwhelmed. That’s why so many people experience acne.

To find a real cure for pimples, you have to bring your body back into balance and eliminate the excess hormones and toxins in your system.Eating less processed foods and replacing them with more natural items is a superb start.Green, leafy vegetables are an important item because they're so good at cleansing your body.You should also exercise and drink a lot of water throughout the day in order to see your skin improve quickly.The cure for pimples is in your own body; eat healthy, beneficial foods and you will experience truly amazing skin in no time flat.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Acne Cure Treatment - Treating Acne Naturally

If you are suffering from acne, everyone tells you to first buy some over the counter acne cure treatment.They don't work so inevitably, we get more and more ba advice like "buy more chemicals" or "go visit a dermatologist" who tells you to put more chemicals on your face until you're left with almost not options.

Many people think that Accutane is a great acne cure treatment. I beg to differ. Accutane has some crazy side effects and it is actually kind of dangerous.It's actually so dangerous that you need regular blood tests to make sure your organs don't fail and pregnant women aren't allowed anywhere near it because it can cause birth defects.

So how is this a good acne cure treatment cycle? It’s not!As i've said before, it's a complete waste of your money. The sad truth is any typical acne treatments are just plain bad for you and your skin and they’ll never work because they can never address the real cause of your acne, which starts inside of your body.I don't disagree that the sebum and bacteria on our face is what causes breakouts, but if you get rid of the oil and bacteria in the first place, you won't have to worry about another breakout.

What if I showed you an acne cure treatment to stop all of this oil from being over produced in a way that was completely natural and it worked quickly?You may think that I'm wrong if I said that there is a direct link between your breakouts and your diet.If you know anything about me, you alreay know how I feel about this, so I'll cut down my story in the interest of time.

Basically, multiple studies have been performed on societies outside of our own who have a more hunter-gatherer type of diet and who do not eat any processed foods. They only eat natural foods that they grow or catch.There wasn't a single case of recoreded acne at all in every one of these societies.On top of that, there have been studies on similar societies that begin to eat a diet that is more similar to our own. They began experiencing all sorts of breakouts where before, they had none.

As we can plainly see, there is a very clear and obvious connection between your diet and acne. The only acne cure treatment that will work is to avoid processed foods that are typical of our western diet while embracing more natural and healthy foods, like fruits, vegetables, and water.

On top of a more natural lifestyle and natural foods, you should also try homemade alternatives to use on your skin.Products like honey, papaya, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar are great for stopping breakouts and helping your skin look good.Unlike the typical chemical treatments, they're very mild and won't hurt your skin and they work great while saving you money at the same time.

I really hope you throw away those useless chemicals and stop falling into the same acne cure treatment cycle that most every does.When you cure your acne from the inside out, you're treating the real problem and this has been shown to work for anyone, regardless of their type of acne.Take the time to look at my site and you'll find a lot more information on clearing your acne quickly and naturally.

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