If you are suffering from acne, everyone tells you to first buy some over the counter acne cure treatment.They don't work so inevitably, we get more and more ba advice like "buy more chemicals" or "go visit a dermatologist" who tells you to put more chemicals on your face until you're left with almost not options.
Many people think that Accutane is a great acne cure treatment. I beg to differ. Accutane has some crazy side effects and it is actually kind of dangerous.It's actually so dangerous that you need regular blood tests to make sure your organs don't fail and pregnant women aren't allowed anywhere near it because it can cause birth defects.
So how is this a good acne cure treatment cycle? It’s not!As i've said before, it's a complete waste of your money. The sad truth is any typical acne treatments are just plain bad for you and your skin and they’ll never work because they can never address the real cause of your acne, which starts inside of your body.I don't disagree that the sebum and bacteria on our face is what causes breakouts, but if you get rid of the oil and bacteria in the first place, you won't have to worry about another breakout.
What if I showed you an acne cure treatment to stop all of this oil from being over produced in a way that was completely natural and it worked quickly?You may think that I'm wrong if I said that there is a direct link between your breakouts and your diet.If you know anything about me, you alreay know how I feel about this, so I'll cut down my story in the interest of time.
Basically, multiple studies have been performed on societies outside of our own who have a more hunter-gatherer type of diet and who do not eat any processed foods. They only eat natural foods that they grow or catch.There wasn't a single case of recoreded acne at all in every one of these societies.On top of that, there have been studies on similar societies that begin to eat a diet that is more similar to our own. They began experiencing all sorts of breakouts where before, they had none.
As we can plainly see, there is a very clear and obvious connection between your diet and acne. The only acne cure treatment that will work is to avoid processed foods that are typical of our western diet while embracing more natural and healthy foods, like fruits, vegetables, and water.
On top of a more natural lifestyle and natural foods, you should also try homemade alternatives to use on your skin.Products like honey, papaya, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar are great for stopping breakouts and helping your skin look good.Unlike the typical chemical treatments, they're very mild and won't hurt your skin and they work great while saving you money at the same time.
I really hope you throw away those useless chemicals and stop falling into the same acne cure treatment cycle that most every does.When you cure your acne from the inside out, you're treating the real problem and this has been shown to work for anyone, regardless of their type of acne.Take the time to look at my site and you'll find a lot more information on clearing your acne quickly and naturally.
Find more at HomemadeAcneRemedy.com
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