Thursday, May 28, 2009

Acne And Candida - Why Candida Isn't Causing Your Acne

If you’ve looked into more natural cures for acne, you might have found information about the link between acne and candida. Does candida cause acne?That's not entirely accurate.Is candida detrimental to your health?Again, this is not quite right. There’s more to the argument there.

There is some link between acne and candida, but there is more to it than just that. Candida by itself is not bad.Candida is simply a yeast in our bodies that lives in our digestive tract and bloodstreams.By its very definition, candida is good for us.It's actually the good guy as it sops up excess glucose that enters our bloodstreams and supports the normal systems that might fail at this task. This prevents us from going blind and/or dying, so I’d say that’s pretty good! When to much glucose is in the bloodstream, candida swells up and get’s rid of any of the excess.

The problem with candida is that it can take a nasty turn for the worse if it keeps getting rid of excess glucose. Normally candida dies off after only a few hours and everything goes back to normal. The occurs when we our blood and body have a steady supply of glucose. Candida begins to feed and feed and starts becoming a bit of a problem child, releasing waste and toxins into our bloodstreams and overloading our cleansing organs such as our livers or small intestines. This is the link between acne and candida.Candida by itself won't cause breakouts, but it certainly can help bring them about or make current breakouts worse.

As was stated earlier, the excess glucose in the bloodstream is what allows candida to feed an multiply. Do you know what causes that glucose to be there in the first place? Sugar!The natural sugars in fruits aren't bad.I'm referring to refined white sugar which our bodies see as a poison.White rice and flour should not be left out of this list either.When they are digested, they are broken down into something that is very near that of refined sugar which takes away essential minerals and vitamins.They also cause our pancreas to become overwhelmed, which causes it to make to many hormones in an attempt to deal with the excess glucose.In combination with the candida toxins released when it keeps feeding and you're setting yourself up for acne breakouts.

Generally speaking, we're all in pretty bad shape as it is.The acne and candida connection is only one facet of our bodies that we must fix to get clear.We must help our bodies regain their natural balance by avoiding the overprocessed diets that we have come to embrace over the years. Linking acne and candida is only the beginning, you have to pursue a more natural lifestyle to get rid of your acne for good. Find out more about how to clear yourself at

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